Here is a list of all functions with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- n -
- Name() : EmbedderGraph::Node
- name() : Extension, TraceObject
- Name() : Private
- NamedPropertyHandlerConfiguration() : NamedPropertyHandlerConfiguration
- NamePrefix() : EmbedderGraph::Node
- New() : Array, ArrayBuffer, BigInt64Array, BigInt, BigIntObject, BigUint64Array, Boolean, BooleanObject, Context, CpuProfiler, DataView, Date, External, Float32Array, Float64Array, Function, FunctionTemplate, Int16Array, Int32Array, Int8Array, Integer, Isolate, Local< T >, Map, MicrotaskQueue, Number, NumberObject, Object, ObjectTemplate, PrimitiveArray, Private, Promise::Resolver, Proxy, RegExp, Set, SharedArrayBuffer, Signature, StringObject, Symbol, SymbolObject, Uint16Array, Uint32Array, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray
- NewBackingStore() : ArrayBuffer, SharedArrayBuffer
- NewDefaultAllocator() : ArrayBuffer::Allocator
- NewExternalOneByte() : String
- NewExternalTwoByte() : String
- NewFromOneByte() : String
- NewFromTwoByte() : String
- NewFromUnsigned() : BigInt, Integer
- NewFromUtf8() : String
- NewFromUtf8Literal() : String
- NewFromWords() : BigInt
- NewInstance() : Function, ObjectTemplate
- NewInstanceWithSideEffectType() : Function
- NewLocal() : PersistentValueMapBase< K, V, Traits >::PersistentValueReference
- NewRemoteContext() : Context
- NewRemoteInstance() : FunctionTemplate
- NewResizableBackingStore() : ArrayBuffer
- NewTarget() : FunctionCallbackInfo< T >
- NewWithBacktrackLimit() : RegExp
- NewWithCache() : FunctionTemplate
- NewWithCFunctionOverloads() : FunctionTemplate
- Node() : EmbedderGraph::Node
- NodesInUse() : CrossThreadPersistentRegion, PersistentRegionBase
- NoGarbageCollectionScope() : NoGarbageCollectionScope
- NonNestableDelayedTasksEnabled() : TaskRunner
- NonNestableTasksEnabled() : TaskRunner
- Notify() : DiscardedSamplesDelegate
- NotifyConcurrencyIncrease() : JobDelegate, JobHandle
- NotifyIsolateDisposal() : Recorder
- num_args() : TraceObject
- number_of_detached_contexts() : HeapStatistics
- number_of_native_contexts() : HeapStatistics
- NumberOfHandles() : HandleScope
- NumberOfHeapSpaces() : Isolate
- NumberOfTrackedHeapObjectTypes() : Isolate
- NumberOfWorkerThreads() : Platform
- NumberValue() : Value