v8 11.3.244 (node 20.3.0)
V8 is Google's open source JavaScript engine
No Matches
RegExp Class Reference

#include <v8-regexp.h>

Inheritance diagram for RegExp:
Collaboration diagram for RegExp:

Public Types

enum  Flags {
  kNone = 0 , kGlobal = 1 << 0 , kIgnoreCase = 1 << 1 , kMultiline = 1 << 2 ,
  kSticky = 1 << 3 , kUnicode = 1 << 4 , kDotAll = 1 << 5 , kLinear = 1 << 6 ,
  kHasIndices = 1 << 7 , kUnicodeSets = 1 << 8

Public Member Functions

V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< ObjectExec (Local< Context > context, Local< String > subject)
Local< StringGetSource () const
Flags GetFlags () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Object
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > Set (Local< Context > context, Local< Value > key, Local< Value > value)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > Set (Local< Context > context, uint32_t index, Local< Value > value)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > CreateDataProperty (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key, Local< Value > value)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > CreateDataProperty (Local< Context > context, uint32_t index, Local< Value > value)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > DefineOwnProperty (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key, Local< Value > value, PropertyAttribute attributes=None)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > DefineProperty (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key, PropertyDescriptor &descriptor)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< ValueGet (Local< Context > context, Local< Value > key)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< ValueGet (Local< Context > context, uint32_t index)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< PropertyAttributeGetPropertyAttributes (Local< Context > context, Local< Value > key)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< ValueGetOwnPropertyDescriptor (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > Has (Local< Context > context, Local< Value > key)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > Delete (Local< Context > context, Local< Value > key)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > Has (Local< Context > context, uint32_t index)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > Delete (Local< Context > context, uint32_t index)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > SetAccessor (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > name, AccessorNameGetterCallback getter, AccessorNameSetterCallback setter=nullptr, MaybeLocal< Value > data=MaybeLocal< Value >(), AccessControl settings=DEFAULT, PropertyAttribute attribute=None, SideEffectType getter_side_effect_type=SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect, SideEffectType setter_side_effect_type=SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect)
void SetAccessorProperty (Local< Name > name, Local< Function > getter, Local< Function > setter=Local< Function >(), PropertyAttribute attribute=None, AccessControl settings=DEFAULT)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > SetNativeDataProperty (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > name, AccessorNameGetterCallback getter, AccessorNameSetterCallback setter=nullptr, Local< Value > data=Local< Value >(), PropertyAttribute attributes=None, SideEffectType getter_side_effect_type=SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect, SideEffectType setter_side_effect_type=SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > SetLazyDataProperty (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > name, AccessorNameGetterCallback getter, Local< Value > data=Local< Value >(), PropertyAttribute attributes=None, SideEffectType getter_side_effect_type=SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect, SideEffectType setter_side_effect_type=SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect)
Maybe< bool > HasPrivate (Local< Context > context, Local< Private > key)
Maybe< bool > SetPrivate (Local< Context > context, Local< Private > key, Local< Value > value)
Maybe< bool > DeletePrivate (Local< Context > context, Local< Private > key)
MaybeLocal< ValueGetPrivate (Local< Context > context, Local< Private > key)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< ArrayGetPropertyNames (Local< Context > context)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< ArrayGetPropertyNames (Local< Context > context, KeyCollectionMode mode, PropertyFilter property_filter, IndexFilter index_filter, KeyConversionMode key_conversion=KeyConversionMode::kKeepNumbers)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< ArrayGetOwnPropertyNames (Local< Context > context)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< ArrayGetOwnPropertyNames (Local< Context > context, PropertyFilter filter, KeyConversionMode key_conversion=KeyConversionMode::kKeepNumbers)
Local< ValueGetPrototype ()
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > SetPrototype (Local< Context > context, Local< Value > prototype)
Local< ObjectFindInstanceInPrototypeChain (Local< FunctionTemplate > tmpl)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< StringObjectProtoToString (Local< Context > context)
Local< StringGetConstructorName ()
Maybe< bool > SetIntegrityLevel (Local< Context > context, IntegrityLevel level)
int InternalFieldCount () const
V8_INLINE Local< ValueGetInternalField (int index)
void SetInternalField (int index, Local< Value > value)
V8_INLINE void * GetAlignedPointerFromInternalField (int index)
void SetAlignedPointerInInternalField (int index, void *value)
void SetAlignedPointerInInternalFields (int argc, int indices[], void *values[])
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > HasOwnProperty (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > HasOwnProperty (Local< Context > context, uint32_t index)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > HasRealNamedProperty (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > HasRealIndexedProperty (Local< Context > context, uint32_t index)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > HasRealNamedCallbackProperty (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< ValueGetRealNamedPropertyInPrototypeChain (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< PropertyAttributeGetRealNamedPropertyAttributesInPrototypeChain (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< ValueGetRealNamedProperty (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key)
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< PropertyAttributeGetRealNamedPropertyAttributes (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key)
bool HasNamedLookupInterceptor () const
bool HasIndexedLookupInterceptor () const
int GetIdentityHash ()
Local< ObjectClone ()
MaybeLocal< ContextGetCreationContext ()
Local< ContextGetCreationContextChecked ()
void * GetAlignedPointerFromEmbedderDataInCreationContext (int index)
bool IsCallable () const
bool IsConstructor () const
bool IsApiWrapper () const
bool IsUndetectable () const
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< ValueCallAsFunction (Local< Context > context, Local< Value > recv, int argc, Local< Value > argv[])
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< ValueCallAsConstructor (Local< Context > context, int argc, Local< Value > argv[])
IsolateGetIsolate ()
MaybeLocal< ArrayPreviewEntries (bool *is_key_value)
bool IsCodeLike (Isolate *isolate) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Value
V8_INLINE bool IsUndefined () const
V8_INLINE bool IsNull () const
V8_INLINE bool IsNullOrUndefined () const
bool IsTrue () const
bool IsFalse () const
bool IsName () const
V8_INLINE bool IsString () const
bool IsSymbol () const
bool IsFunction () const
bool IsArray () const
bool IsObject () const
bool IsBigInt () const
bool IsBoolean () const
bool IsNumber () const
bool IsExternal () const
bool IsInt32 () const
bool IsUint32 () const
bool IsDate () const
bool IsArgumentsObject () const
bool IsBigIntObject () const
bool IsBooleanObject () const
bool IsNumberObject () const
bool IsStringObject () const
bool IsSymbolObject () const
bool IsNativeError () const
bool IsRegExp () const
bool IsAsyncFunction () const
bool IsGeneratorFunction () const
bool IsGeneratorObject () const
bool IsPromise () const
bool IsMap () const
bool IsSet () const
bool IsMapIterator () const
bool IsSetIterator () const
bool IsWeakMap () const
bool IsWeakSet () const
bool IsWeakRef () const
bool IsArrayBuffer () const
bool IsArrayBufferView () const
bool IsTypedArray () const
bool IsUint8Array () const
bool IsUint8ClampedArray () const
bool IsInt8Array () const
bool IsUint16Array () const
bool IsInt16Array () const
bool IsUint32Array () const
bool IsInt32Array () const
bool IsFloat32Array () const
bool IsFloat64Array () const
bool IsBigInt64Array () const
bool IsBigUint64Array () const
bool IsDataView () const
bool IsSharedArrayBuffer () const
bool IsProxy () const
bool IsWasmMemoryObject () const
bool IsWasmModuleObject () const
bool IsWasmNull () const
bool IsModuleNamespaceObject () const
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< BigIntToBigInt (Local< Context > context) const
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< NumberToNumber (Local< Context > context) const
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< StringToString (Local< Context > context) const
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< StringToDetailString (Local< Context > context) const
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< ObjectToObject (Local< Context > context) const
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< IntegerToInteger (Local< Context > context) const
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< Uint32ToUint32 (Local< Context > context) const
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< Int32ToInt32 (Local< Context > context) const
Local< BooleanToBoolean (Isolate *isolate) const
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< Uint32ToArrayIndex (Local< Context > context) const
bool BooleanValue (Isolate *isolate) const
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< double > NumberValue (Local< Context > context) const
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< int64_t > IntegerValue (Local< Context > context) const
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< uint32_t > Uint32Value (Local< Context > context) const
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< int32_t > Int32Value (Local< Context > context) const
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > Equals (Local< Context > context, Local< Value > that) const
bool StrictEquals (Local< Value > that) const
bool SameValue (Local< Value > that) const
Local< StringTypeOf (Isolate *)
Maybe< bool > InstanceOf (Local< Context > context, Local< Object > object)
V8_INLINE ValueCast (Data *value)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Data
bool IsValue () const
bool IsModule () const
bool IsFixedArray () const
bool IsPrivate () const
bool IsObjectTemplate () const
bool IsFunctionTemplate () const
bool IsContext () const

Static Public Member Functions

static V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< RegExpNew (Local< Context > context, Local< String > pattern, Flags flags)
static V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< RegExpNewWithBacktrackLimit (Local< Context > context, Local< String > pattern, Flags flags, uint32_t backtrack_limit)
static V8_INLINE RegExpCast (Value *value)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Object
static V8_INLINE int InternalFieldCount (const PersistentBase< Object > &object)
static V8_INLINE int InternalFieldCount (const BasicTracedReference< Object > &object)
static V8_INLINE void * GetAlignedPointerFromInternalField (const PersistentBase< Object > &object, int index)
static V8_INLINE void * GetAlignedPointerFromInternalField (const BasicTracedReference< Object > &object, int index)
static V8_INLINE MaybeLocal< ContextGetCreationContext (const PersistentBase< Object > &object)
static Local< ObjectNew (Isolate *isolate)
static Local< ObjectNew (Isolate *isolate, Local< Value > prototype_or_null, Local< Name > *names, Local< Value > *values, size_t length)
static V8_INLINE ObjectCast (Value *obj)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Value
template<class T >
static V8_INLINE ValueCast (T *value)

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr int kFlagCount = 9

Detailed Description

An instance of the built-in RegExp constructor (ECMA-262, 15.10).

Definition at line 20 of file v8-regexp.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Flags

enum Flags

Regular expression flag bits. They can be or'ed to enable a set of flags. The kLinear value ('l') is experimental and can only be used with –enable-experimental-regexp-engine. RegExps with kLinear flag are guaranteed to be executed in asymptotic linear time wrt. the length of the subject string.


Definition at line 30 of file v8-regexp.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Cast()

static V8_INLINE RegExp * Cast ( Value value)

Definition at line 93 of file v8-regexp.h.

◆ Exec()

V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< Object > Exec ( Local< Context context,
Local< String subject 

Executes the current RegExp instance on the given subject string. Equivalent to RegExp.prototype.exec as described in


On success, an Array containing the matched strings is returned. On failure, returns Null.

Note: modifies global context state, accessible e.g. through RegExp.input.

◆ GetFlags()

Flags GetFlags ( ) const

Returns the flags bit field.

◆ GetSource()

Local< String > GetSource ( ) const

Returns the value of the source property: a string representing the regular expression.

◆ New()

static V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< RegExp > New ( Local< Context context,
Local< String pattern,
Flags  flags 

Creates a regular expression from the given pattern string and the flags bit field. May throw a JavaScript exception as described in ECMA-262,

For example, RegExp::New(v8::String::New("foo"), static_cast<RegExp::Flags>(kGlobal | kMultiline)) is equivalent to evaluating "/foo/gm".

◆ NewWithBacktrackLimit()

static V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< RegExp > NewWithBacktrackLimit ( Local< Context context,
Local< String pattern,
Flags  flags,
uint32_t  backtrack_limit 

Like New, but additionally specifies a backtrack limit. If the number of backtracks done in one Exec call hits the limit, a match failure is immediately returned.

Field Documentation

◆ kFlagCount

constexpr int kFlagCount = 9

Definition at line 43 of file v8-regexp.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: