size_t | ByteLength () const |
bool | IsExternal () const |
bool | IsNeuterable () const |
void | Neuter () |
Contents | Externalize () |
Contents | GetContents () |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", bool Set(Local< Value > key, Local< Value > value)) |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > | Set (Local< Context > context, Local< Value > key, Local< Value > value) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", bool Set(uint32_t index, Local< Value > value)) |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > | Set (Local< Context > context, uint32_t index, Local< Value > value) |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > | CreateDataProperty (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key, Local< Value > value) |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > | CreateDataProperty (Local< Context > context, uint32_t index, Local< Value > value) |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > | DefineOwnProperty (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key, Local< Value > value, PropertyAttribute attributes=None) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use CreateDataProperty", bool ForceSet(Local< Value > key, Local< Value > value, PropertyAttribute attribs=None)) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use CreateDataProperty", Maybe< bool > ForceSet(Local< Context > context, Local< Value > key, Local< Value > value, PropertyAttribute attribs=None)) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Local< Value > Get(Local< Value > key)) |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< Value > | Get (Local< Context > context, Local< Value > key) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Local< Value > Get(uint32_t index)) |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< Value > | Get (Local< Context > context, uint32_t index) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", PropertyAttribute GetPropertyAttributes(Local< Value > key)) |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< PropertyAttribute > | GetPropertyAttributes (Local< Context > context, Local< Value > key) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Local< Value > GetOwnPropertyDescriptor(Local< String > key)) |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< Value > | GetOwnPropertyDescriptor (Local< Context > context, Local< String > key) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", bool Has(Local< Value > key)) |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > | Has (Local< Context > context, Local< Value > key) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", bool Delete(Local< Value > key)) |
Maybe< bool > | Delete (Local< Context > context, Local< Value > key) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", bool Has(uint32_t index)) |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > | Has (Local< Context > context, uint32_t index) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", bool Delete(uint32_t index)) |
Maybe< bool > | Delete (Local< Context > context, uint32_t index) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", bool SetAccessor(Local< String > name, AccessorGetterCallback getter, AccessorSetterCallback setter=0, Local< Value > data=Local< Value >(), AccessControl settings=DEFAULT, PropertyAttribute attribute=None)) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", bool SetAccessor(Local< Name > name, AccessorNameGetterCallback getter, AccessorNameSetterCallback setter=0, Local< Value > data=Local< Value >(), AccessControl settings=DEFAULT, PropertyAttribute attribute=None)) |
Maybe< bool > | SetAccessor (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > name, AccessorNameGetterCallback getter, AccessorNameSetterCallback setter=0, MaybeLocal< Value > data=MaybeLocal< Value >(), AccessControl settings=DEFAULT, PropertyAttribute attribute=None) |
void | SetAccessorProperty (Local< Name > name, Local< Function > getter, Local< Function > setter=Local< Function >(), PropertyAttribute attribute=None, AccessControl settings=DEFAULT) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Local< Array > GetPropertyNames()) |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< Array > | GetPropertyNames (Local< Context > context) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Local< Array > GetOwnPropertyNames()) |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< Array > | GetOwnPropertyNames (Local< Context > context) |
Local< Value > | GetPrototype () |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", bool SetPrototype(Local< Value > prototype)) |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > | SetPrototype (Local< Context > context, Local< Value > prototype) |
Local< Object > | FindInstanceInPrototypeChain (Local< FunctionTemplate > tmpl) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Local< String > ObjectProtoToString()) |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< String > | ObjectProtoToString (Local< Context > context) |
Local< String > | GetConstructorName () |
int | InternalFieldCount () |
V8_INLINE Local< Value > | GetInternalField (int index) |
void | SetInternalField (int index, Local< Value > value) |
V8_INLINE void * | GetAlignedPointerFromInternalField (int index) |
void | SetAlignedPointerInInternalField (int index, void *value) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", bool HasOwnProperty(Local< String > key)) |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > | HasOwnProperty (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", bool HasRealNamedProperty(Local< String > key)) |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > | HasRealNamedProperty (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", bool HasRealIndexedProperty(uint32_t index)) |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > | HasRealIndexedProperty (Local< Context > context, uint32_t index) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", bool HasRealNamedCallbackProperty(Local< String > key)) |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > | HasRealNamedCallbackProperty (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Local< Value > GetRealNamedPropertyInPrototypeChain(Local< String > key)) |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< Value > | GetRealNamedPropertyInPrototypeChain (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Maybe< PropertyAttribute > GetRealNamedPropertyAttributesInPrototypeChain(Local< String > key)) |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< PropertyAttribute > | GetRealNamedPropertyAttributesInPrototypeChain (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Local< Value > GetRealNamedProperty(Local< String > key)) |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< Value > | GetRealNamedProperty (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Maybe< PropertyAttribute > GetRealNamedPropertyAttributes(Local< String > key)) |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< PropertyAttribute > | GetRealNamedPropertyAttributes (Local< Context > context, Local< Name > key) |
bool | HasNamedLookupInterceptor () |
bool | HasIndexedLookupInterceptor () |
int | GetIdentityHash () |
bool | SetHiddenValue (Local< String > key, Local< Value > value) |
Local< Value > | GetHiddenValue (Local< String > key) |
bool | DeleteHiddenValue (Local< String > key) |
Local< Object > | Clone () |
Local< Context > | CreationContext () |
bool | IsCallable () |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Local< Value > CallAsFunction(Local< Value > recv, int argc, Local< Value > argv[])) |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< Value > | CallAsFunction (Local< Context > context, Local< Value > recv, int argc, Local< Value > argv[]) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Local< Value > CallAsConstructor(int argc, Local< Value > argv[])) |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< Value > | CallAsConstructor (Local< Context > context, int argc, Local< Value > argv[]) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Keep track of isolate correctly", Isolate *GetIsolate()) |
V8_INLINE bool | IsUndefined () const |
V8_INLINE bool | IsNull () const |
bool | IsTrue () const |
bool | IsFalse () const |
bool | IsName () const |
V8_INLINE bool | IsString () const |
bool | IsSymbol () const |
bool | IsFunction () const |
bool | IsArray () const |
bool | IsObject () const |
bool | IsBoolean () const |
bool | IsNumber () const |
bool | IsExternal () const |
bool | IsInt32 () const |
bool | IsUint32 () const |
bool | IsDate () const |
bool | IsArgumentsObject () const |
bool | IsBooleanObject () const |
bool | IsNumberObject () const |
bool | IsStringObject () const |
bool | IsSymbolObject () const |
bool | IsNativeError () const |
bool | IsRegExp () const |
bool | IsGeneratorFunction () const |
bool | IsGeneratorObject () const |
bool | IsPromise () const |
bool | IsMap () const |
bool | IsSet () const |
bool | IsMapIterator () const |
bool | IsSetIterator () const |
bool | IsWeakMap () const |
bool | IsWeakSet () const |
bool | IsArrayBuffer () const |
bool | IsArrayBufferView () const |
bool | IsTypedArray () const |
bool | IsUint8Array () const |
bool | IsUint8ClampedArray () const |
bool | IsInt8Array () const |
bool | IsUint16Array () const |
bool | IsInt16Array () const |
bool | IsUint32Array () const |
bool | IsInt32Array () const |
bool | IsFloat32Array () const |
bool | IsFloat64Array () const |
bool | IsFloat32x4 () const |
bool | IsDataView () const |
bool | IsSharedArrayBuffer () const |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< Boolean > | ToBoolean (Local< Context > context) const |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< Number > | ToNumber (Local< Context > context) const |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< String > | ToString (Local< Context > context) const |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< String > | ToDetailString (Local< Context > context) const |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< Object > | ToObject (Local< Context > context) const |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< Integer > | ToInteger (Local< Context > context) const |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< Uint32 > | ToUint32 (Local< Context > context) const |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< Int32 > | ToInt32 (Local< Context > context) const |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Local< Boolean > ToBoolean(Isolate *isolate) const) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Local< Number > ToNumber(Isolate *isolate) const) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Local< String > ToString(Isolate *isolate) const) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Local< String > ToDetailString(Isolate *isolate) const) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Local< Object > ToObject(Isolate *isolate) const) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Local< Integer > ToInteger(Isolate *isolate) const) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Local< Uint32 > ToUint32(Isolate *isolate) const) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Local< Int32 > ToInt32(Isolate *isolate) const) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Local< Boolean > ToBoolean() const) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Local< Number > ToNumber() const) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Local< String > ToString() const) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Local< String > ToDetailString() const) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Local< Object > ToObject() const) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Local< Integer > ToInteger() const) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Local< Uint32 > ToUint32() const) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Local< Int32 > ToInt32() const) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", Local< Uint32 > ToArrayIndex() const) |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< Uint32 > | ToArrayIndex (Local< Context > context) const |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > | BooleanValue (Local< Context > context) const |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< double > | NumberValue (Local< Context > context) const |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< int64_t > | IntegerValue (Local< Context > context) const |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< uint32_t > | Uint32Value (Local< Context > context) const |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< int32_t > | Int32Value (Local< Context > context) const |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", bool BooleanValue() const) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", double NumberValue() const) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", int64_t IntegerValue() const) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", uint32_t Uint32Value() const) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", int32_t Int32Value() const) |
| V8_DEPRECATE_SOON ("Use maybe version", bool Equals(Local< Value > that) const) |
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Maybe< bool > | Equals (Local< Context > context, Local< Value > that) const |
bool | StrictEquals (Local< Value > that) const |
bool | SameValue (Local< Value > that) const |
template<class T > |
Value * | Cast (T *value) |
An instance of the built-in ArrayBuffer constructor (ES6 draft 15.13.5). This API is experimental and may change significantly.
Definition at line 3356 of file v8.h.