v8  9.4.146 (node 16.15.0)
V8 is Google's open source JavaScript engine
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <memory>
10 #include "v8-platform.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
11 #include "v8config.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
13 namespace cppgc {
15 // TODO(v8:10346): Create separate includes for concepts that are not
16 // V8-specific.
17 using IdleTask = v8::IdleTask;
18 using JobHandle = v8::JobHandle;
19 using JobDelegate = v8::JobDelegate;
20 using JobTask = v8::JobTask;
21 using PageAllocator = v8::PageAllocator;
22 using Task = v8::Task;
23 using TaskPriority = v8::TaskPriority;
24 using TaskRunner = v8::TaskRunner;
25 using TracingController = v8::TracingController;
27 /**
28  * Platform interface used by Heap. Contains allocators and executors.
29  */
31  public:
32  static constexpr bool StackAddressesSmallerThanHeapAddresses();
34  virtual ~Platform() = default;
36  /**
37  * Returns the allocator used by cppgc to allocate its heap and various
38  * support structures.
39  */
40  virtual PageAllocator* GetPageAllocator() = 0;
42  /**
43  * Monotonically increasing time in seconds from an arbitrary fixed point in
44  * the past. This function is expected to return at least
45  * millisecond-precision values. For this reason,
46  * it is recommended that the fixed point be no further in the past than
47  * the epoch.
48  **/
49  virtual double MonotonicallyIncreasingTime() = 0;
51  /**
52  * Foreground task runner that should be used by a Heap.
53  */
54  virtual std::shared_ptr<TaskRunner> GetForegroundTaskRunner() {
55  return nullptr;
56  }
58  /**
59  * Posts `job_task` to run in parallel. Returns a `JobHandle` associated with
60  * the `Job`, which can be joined or canceled.
61  * This avoids degenerate cases:
62  * - Calling `CallOnWorkerThread()` for each work item, causing significant
63  * overhead.
64  * - Fixed number of `CallOnWorkerThread()` calls that split the work and
65  * might run for a long time. This is problematic when many components post
66  * "num cores" tasks and all expect to use all the cores. In these cases,
67  * the scheduler lacks context to be fair to multiple same-priority requests
68  * and/or ability to request lower priority work to yield when high priority
69  * work comes in.
70  * A canonical implementation of `job_task` looks like:
71  * \code
72  * class MyJobTask : public JobTask {
73  * public:
74  * MyJobTask(...) : worker_queue_(...) {}
75  * // JobTask implementation.
76  * void Run(JobDelegate* delegate) override {
77  * while (!delegate->ShouldYield()) {
78  * // Smallest unit of work.
79  * auto work_item = worker_queue_.TakeWorkItem(); // Thread safe.
80  * if (!work_item) return;
81  * ProcessWork(work_item);
82  * }
83  * }
84  *
85  * size_t GetMaxConcurrency() const override {
86  * return worker_queue_.GetSize(); // Thread safe.
87  * }
88  * };
89  *
90  * // ...
91  * auto handle = PostJob(TaskPriority::kUserVisible,
92  * std::make_unique<MyJobTask>(...));
93  * handle->Join();
94  * \endcode
95  *
96  * `PostJob()` and methods of the returned JobHandle/JobDelegate, must never
97  * be called while holding a lock that could be acquired by `JobTask::Run()`
98  * or `JobTask::GetMaxConcurrency()` -- that could result in a deadlock. This
99  * is because (1) `JobTask::GetMaxConcurrency()` may be invoked while holding
100  * internal lock (A), hence `JobTask::GetMaxConcurrency()` can only use a lock
101  * (B) if that lock is *never* held while calling back into `JobHandle` from
102  * any thread (A=>B/B=>A deadlock) and (2) `JobTask::Run()` or
103  * `JobTask::GetMaxConcurrency()` may be invoked synchronously from
104  * `JobHandle` (B=>JobHandle::foo=>B deadlock).
105  *
106  * A sufficient `PostJob()` implementation that uses the default Job provided
107  * in libplatform looks like:
108  * \code
109  * std::unique_ptr<JobHandle> PostJob(
110  * TaskPriority priority, std::unique_ptr<JobTask> job_task) override {
111  * return std::make_unique<DefaultJobHandle>(
112  * std::make_shared<DefaultJobState>(
113  * this, std::move(job_task), kNumThreads));
114  * }
115  * \endcode
116  */
117  virtual std::unique_ptr<JobHandle> PostJob(
118  TaskPriority priority, std::unique_ptr<JobTask> job_task) {
119  return nullptr;
120  }
122  /**
123  * Returns an instance of a `TracingController`. This must be non-nullptr. The
124  * default implementation returns an empty `TracingController` that consumes
125  * trace data without effect.
126  */
127  virtual TracingController* GetTracingController();
128 };
130 /**
131  * Process-global initialization of the garbage collector. Must be called before
132  * creating a Heap.
133  *
134  * Can be called multiple times when paired with `ShutdownProcess()`.
135  *
136  * \param page_allocator The allocator used for maintaining meta data. Must not
137  * change between multiple calls to InitializeProcess.
138  */
139 V8_EXPORT void InitializeProcess(PageAllocator* page_allocator);
141 /**
142  * Must be called after destroying the last used heap. Some process-global
143  * metadata may not be returned and reused upon a subsequent
144  * `InitializeProcess()` call.
145  */
148 namespace internal {
152 } // namespace internal
154 // static
156 #if V8_OS_WIN || V8_OS_FUCHSIA || V8_OS_MACOSX
157  return false;
158 #else
159  return true;
160 #endif // V8_OS_WIN || V8_OS_FUCHSIA || V8_OS_MACOSX
161 }
163 } // namespace cppgc