v8  9.0.257(node16.0.0)
V8 is Google's open source JavaScript engine
v8 Namespace Reference



Data Structures

class  AccessorSignature
class  ActivityControl
class  AllocationProfile
struct  ApiObject
class  Array
class  ArrayBuffer
class  ArrayBufferView
class  BackingStore
class  BasicTracedReference
class  BigInt
class  BigInt64Array
class  BigIntObject
class  BigUint64Array
class  Boolean
class  BooleanObject
class  CFunction
class  CFunctionInfo
class  CodeEvent
class  CodeEventHandler
class  CompiledWasmModule
class  Context
class  ConvertableToTraceFormat
struct  CopyablePersistentTraits
class  CppHeap
struct  CppHeapCreateParams
class  CpuProfile
struct  CpuProfileDeoptFrame
struct  CpuProfileDeoptInfo
class  CpuProfileNode
class  CpuProfiler
class  CpuProfilingOptions
class  CTypeInfo
class  Data
class  DataView
class  Date
class  DefaultGlobalMapTraits
class  DefaultPersistentValueMapTraits
class  DefaultPersistentValueVectorTraits
struct  DeserializeInternalFieldsCallback
class  DiscardedSamplesDelegate
class  EmbedderGraph
class  EmbedderHeapTracer
class  EscapableHandleScope
class  Eternal
class  Exception
class  Extension
class  ExtensionConfiguration
class  External
class  ExternalResourceVisitor
struct  FastApiCallbackOptions
class  FixedArray
class  Float32Array
class  Float64Array
class  Function
class  FunctionCallbackInfo
class  FunctionTemplate
class  Global
class  GlobalValueMap
class  HandleScope
class  HeapCodeStatistics
class  HeapGraphEdge
class  HeapGraphNode
class  HeapObjectStatistics
class  HeapProfiler
class  HeapSnapshot
class  HeapSpaceStatistics
class  HeapStatistics
struct  HeapStatsUpdate
class  IdleTask
struct  IndexedPropertyHandlerConfiguration
class  Int16Array
class  Int32
class  Int32Array
class  Int8Array
class  Integer
class  Isolate
struct  JitCodeEvent
class  JobDelegate
class  JobHandle
class  JobTask
struct  JSEntryStub
struct  JSEntryStubs
class  JSHeapConsistency
class  JSON
class  JSVisitor
class  Local
class  Location
class  Locker
class  Map
class  Maybe
class  Maybe< void >
class  MaybeLocal
class  MeasureMemoryDelegate
struct  MemoryRange
class  MemorySpan
class  Message
class  MicrotaskQueue
class  MicrotasksScope
struct  ModifyCodeGenerationFromStringsResult
class  Module
class  ModuleRequest
class  Name
struct  NamedPropertyHandlerConfiguration
class  NonCopyablePersistentTraits
class  Number
class  NumberObject
class  Object
class  ObjectTemplate
class  OutputStream
struct  OwnedBuffer
class  PageAllocator
class  Persistent
class  PersistentBase
class  PersistentHandleVisitor
class  PersistentValueMap
class  PersistentValueMapBase
class  PersistentValueVector
class  Platform
class  Primitive
class  PrimitiveArray
class  Private
class  Promise
class  PromiseRejectMessage
class  PropertyCallbackInfo
class  PropertyDescriptor
class  Proxy
class  RegExp
struct  RegisterState
class  ResourceConstraints
class  ReturnValue
struct  SampleInfo
class  Script
class  ScriptCompiler
class  ScriptOrigin
class  ScriptOriginOptions
class  ScriptOrModule
class  SealHandleScope
struct  SerializeInternalFieldsCallback
class  Set
class  SharedArrayBuffer
class  SharedMemoryStatistics
class  Signature
class  SnapshotCreator
class  StackFrame
class  StackTrace
class  StartupData
class  StdGlobalValueMap
class  StdMapTraits
class  StdPersistentValueMap
class  String
class  StringObject
class  Symbol
class  SymbolObject
class  Task
class  TaskRunner
class  Template
class  TracedGlobal
struct  TracedGlobalTrait
class  TracedReference
class  TracedReferenceBase
class  TracingController
class  TryCatch
class  TypedArray
class  Uint16Array
class  Uint32
class  Uint32Array
class  Uint8Array
class  Uint8ClampedArray
class  UnboundModuleScript
class  UnboundScript
class  Unlocker
class  Unwinder
class  V8
class  Value
class  ValueDeserializer
class  ValueSerializer
class  WasmMemoryObject
class  WasmModuleObject
class  WasmModuleObjectBuilderStreaming
class  WasmStreaming
class  WeakCallbackInfo
class  WeakCallbackObject
struct  WrapperDescriptor


using NativeObject = void *
using SnapshotObjectId = uint32_t
typedef uintptr_t PersistentContainerValue
template<class T >
using Handle = Local< T >
template<class T >
using UniquePersistent = Global< T >
using AccessorGetterCallback = void(*)(Local< String > property, const PropertyCallbackInfo< Value > &info)
using AccessorNameGetterCallback = void(*)(Local< Name > property, const PropertyCallbackInfo< Value > &info)
using AccessorSetterCallback = void(*)(Local< String > property, Local< Value > value, const PropertyCallbackInfo< void > &info)
using AccessorNameSetterCallback = void(*)(Local< Name > property, Local< Value > value, const PropertyCallbackInfo< void > &info)
using FunctionCallback = void(*)(const FunctionCallbackInfo< Value > &info)
using BackingStoreDeleterCallback = void(*)(void *data, size_t length, void *deleter_data)
using GenericNamedPropertyGetterCallback = void(*)(Local< Name > property, const PropertyCallbackInfo< Value > &info)
using GenericNamedPropertySetterCallback = void(*)(Local< Name > property, Local< Value > value, const PropertyCallbackInfo< Value > &info)
using GenericNamedPropertyQueryCallback = void(*)(Local< Name > property, const PropertyCallbackInfo< Integer > &info)
using GenericNamedPropertyDeleterCallback = void(*)(Local< Name > property, const PropertyCallbackInfo< Boolean > &info)
using GenericNamedPropertyEnumeratorCallback = void(*)(const PropertyCallbackInfo< Array > &info)
using GenericNamedPropertyDefinerCallback = void(*)(Local< Name > property, const PropertyDescriptor &desc, const PropertyCallbackInfo< Value > &info)
using GenericNamedPropertyDescriptorCallback = void(*)(Local< Name > property, const PropertyCallbackInfo< Value > &info)
using IndexedPropertyGetterCallback = void(*)(uint32_t index, const PropertyCallbackInfo< Value > &info)
using IndexedPropertySetterCallback = void(*)(uint32_t index, Local< Value > value, const PropertyCallbackInfo< Value > &info)
using IndexedPropertyQueryCallback = void(*)(uint32_t index, const PropertyCallbackInfo< Integer > &info)
using IndexedPropertyDeleterCallback = void(*)(uint32_t index, const PropertyCallbackInfo< Boolean > &info)
using IndexedPropertyEnumeratorCallback = void(*)(const PropertyCallbackInfo< Array > &info)
using IndexedPropertyDefinerCallback = void(*)(uint32_t index, const PropertyDescriptor &desc, const PropertyCallbackInfo< Value > &info)
using IndexedPropertyDescriptorCallback = void(*)(uint32_t index, const PropertyCallbackInfo< Value > &info)
using AccessCheckCallback = bool(*)(Local< Context > accessing_context, Local< Object > accessed_object, Local< Value > data)
using FatalErrorCallback = void(*)(const char *location, const char *message)
using OOMErrorCallback = void(*)(const char *location, bool is_heap_oom)
using DcheckErrorCallback = void(*)(const char *file, int line, const char *message)
using MessageCallback = void(*)(Local< Message > message, Local< Value > data)
using LogEventCallback = void(*)(const char *name, int event)
using CounterLookupCallback = int *(*)(const char *name)
using CreateHistogramCallback = void *(*)(const char *name, int min, int max, size_t buckets)
using AddHistogramSampleCallback = void(*)(void *histogram, int sample)
using AddCrashKeyCallback = void(*)(CrashKeyId id, const std::string &value)
using BeforeCallEnteredCallback = void(*)(Isolate *)
using CallCompletedCallback = void(*)(Isolate *)
using instead = MaybeLocal< Promise >(*)(Local< Context > context, Local< ScriptOrModule > referrer, Local< String > specifier)
using HostImportModuleDynamicallyWithImportAssertionsCallback = MaybeLocal< Promise >(*)(Local< Context > context, Local< ScriptOrModule > referrer, Local< String > specifier, Local< FixedArray > import_assertions)
using HostInitializeImportMetaObjectCallback = void(*)(Local< Context > context, Local< Module > module, Local< Object > meta)
using PrepareStackTraceCallback = MaybeLocal< Value >(*)(Local< Context > context, Local< Value > error, Local< Array > sites)
using PromiseHook = void(*)(PromiseHookType type, Local< Promise > promise, Local< Value > parent)
using PromiseRejectCallback = void(*)(PromiseRejectMessage message)
using MicrotasksCompletedCallbackWithData = void(*)(Isolate *, void *)
using MicrotaskCallback = void(*)(void *data)
using FailedAccessCheckCallback = void(*)(Local< Object > target, AccessType type, Local< Value > data)
using AllowCodeGenerationFromStringsCallback = bool(*)(Local< Context > context, Local< String > source)
using ModifyCodeGenerationFromStringsCallback = ModifyCodeGenerationFromStringsResult(*)(Local< Context > context, Local< Value > source)
using ModifyCodeGenerationFromStringsCallback2 = ModifyCodeGenerationFromStringsResult(*)(Local< Context > context, Local< Value > source, bool is_code_like)
using ExtensionCallback = bool(*)(const FunctionCallbackInfo< Value > &)
using AllowWasmCodeGenerationCallback = bool(*)(Local< Context > context, Local< String > source)
using ApiImplementationCallback = void(*)(const FunctionCallbackInfo< Value > &)
using WasmStreamingCallback = void(*)(const FunctionCallbackInfo< Value > &)
using WasmLoadSourceMapCallback = Local< String >(*)(Isolate *isolate, const char *name)
using WasmSimdEnabledCallback = bool(*)(Local< Context > context)
using WasmExceptionsEnabledCallback = bool(*)(Local< Context > context)
using GCCallback = void(*)(GCType type, GCCallbackFlags flags)
using InterruptCallback = void(*)(Isolate *isolate, void *data)
using NearHeapLimitCallback = size_t(*)(void *data, size_t current_heap_limit, size_t initial_heap_limit)
using JitCodeEventHandler = void(*)(const JitCodeEvent *event)
using SerializeEmbedderFieldsCallback = SerializeInternalFieldsCallback
using DeserializeEmbedderFieldsCallback = DeserializeInternalFieldsCallback
using EntropySource = bool(*)(unsigned char *buffer, size_t length)
using ReturnAddressLocationResolver = uintptr_t(*)(uintptr_t return_addr_location)


enum  TaskPriority : uint8_t { kBestEffort, kUserVisible, kUserBlocking }
enum  CpuProfilingMode { kLeafNodeLineNumbers, kCallerLineNumbers }
enum  CpuProfilingNamingMode { kStandardNaming, kDebugNaming }
enum  CpuProfilingLoggingMode { kLazyLogging, kEagerLogging }
enum  CpuProfilingStatus { kStarted, kAlreadyStarted, kErrorTooManyProfilers }
enum  CodeEventType { kUnknownType }
enum  PersistentContainerCallbackType { kNotWeak, kWeakWithParameter, kWeakWithInternalFields }
enum  WeakCallbackType { kParameter, kInternalFields, kFinalizer }
enum  ScriptType { kClassic, kModule }
enum  StateTag {
enum  NewStringType { kNormal, kInternalized }
enum  PropertyAttribute { None = 0, ReadOnly = 1 << 0, DontEnum = 1 << 1, DontDelete = 1 << 2 }
enum  AccessControl { DEFAULT = 0, ALL_CAN_READ = 1, ALL_CAN_WRITE = 1 << 1, PROHIBITS_OVERWRITING = 1 << 2 }
enum  PropertyFilter {
enum  SideEffectType { kHasSideEffect, kHasNoSideEffect, kHasSideEffectToReceiver }
enum  KeyCollectionMode { kOwnOnly, kIncludePrototypes }
enum  IndexFilter { kIncludeIndices, kSkipIndices }
enum  KeyConversionMode { kConvertToString, kKeepNumbers, kNoNumbers }
enum  IntegrityLevel { kFrozen, kSealed }
enum  ConstructorBehavior { kThrow, kAllow }
enum  ArrayBufferCreationMode { kInternalized, kExternalized }
enum  Intrinsic
enum  AccessType {
enum  PropertyHandlerFlags {
  kNone = 0, kAllCanRead = 1, kNonMasking = 1 << 1, kOnlyInterceptStrings = 1 << 2,
  kHasNoSideEffect = 1 << 3
enum  CrashKeyId {
  kIsolateAddress, kReadonlySpaceFirstPageAddress, kMapSpaceFirstPageAddress, kCodeSpaceFirstPageAddress,
enum  PromiseHookType { kInit, kResolve, kBefore, kAfter }
enum  PromiseRejectEvent { kPromiseRejectWithNoHandler = 0, kPromiseHandlerAddedAfterReject = 1, kPromiseRejectAfterResolved = 2, kPromiseResolveAfterResolved = 3 }
enum  MicrotasksPolicy { kExplicit, kScoped, kAuto }
enum  GCType {
  kGCTypeScavenge = 1 << 0, kGCTypeMarkSweepCompact = 1 << 1, kGCTypeIncrementalMarking = 1 << 2, kGCTypeProcessWeakCallbacks = 1 << 3,
enum  GCCallbackFlags {
  kNoGCCallbackFlags = 0, kGCCallbackFlagConstructRetainedObjectInfos = 1 << 1, kGCCallbackFlagForced = 1 << 2, kGCCallbackFlagSynchronousPhantomCallbackProcessing = 1 << 3,
  kGCCallbackFlagCollectAllAvailableGarbage = 1 << 4, kGCCallbackFlagCollectAllExternalMemory = 1 << 5, kGCCallbackScheduleIdleGarbageCollection = 1 << 6
enum  JitCodeEventOptions { kJitCodeEventDefault = 0, kJitCodeEventEnumExisting = 1 }
enum  MemoryPressureLevel { kNone, kModerate, kCritical }
enum  MeasureMemoryMode { kSummary, kDetailed }
enum  MeasureMemoryExecution { kDefault, kEager, kLazy }


constexpr uint32_t CurrentValueSerializerFormatVersion ()
V8_EXPORT bool TryHandleWebAssemblyTrapPosix (int sig_code, siginfo_t *info, void *context)
V8_EXPORT bool TryHandleWebAssemblyTrapWindows (EXCEPTION_POINTERS *exception)
void V8_EXPORT RegisterExtension (std::unique_ptr< Extension >)
V8_INLINE Local< PrimitiveUndefined (Isolate *isolate)
V8_INLINE Local< PrimitiveNull (Isolate *isolate)
V8_INLINE Local< BooleanTrue (Isolate *isolate)
V8_INLINE Local< BooleanFalse (Isolate *isolate)
template<class T >
Maybe< T > Nothing ()
template<class T >
Maybe< T > Just (const T &t)
Maybe< void > JustVoid ()
V8_INLINE bool operator== (const TracedReferenceBase &lhs, const TracedReferenceBase &rhs)
template<typename U >
V8_INLINE bool operator== (const TracedReferenceBase &lhs, const v8::Local< U > &rhs)
template<typename U >
V8_INLINE bool operator== (const v8::Local< U > &lhs, const TracedReferenceBase &rhs)
V8_INLINE bool operator!= (const TracedReferenceBase &lhs, const TracedReferenceBase &rhs)
template<typename U >
V8_INLINE bool operator!= (const TracedReferenceBase &lhs, const v8::Local< U > &rhs)
template<typename U >
V8_INLINE bool operator!= (const v8::Local< U > &lhs, const TracedReferenceBase &rhs)

Detailed Description

This file provides additional API on top of the default one for making API calls, which come from embedder C++ functions. The functions are being called directly from optimized code, doing all the necessary typechecks in the compiler itself, instead of on the embedder side. Hence the "fast" in the name. Example usage might look like:

void FastMethod(int param, bool another_param);
v8::FunctionTemplate::New(isolate, SlowCallback, data,
signature, length, constructor_behavior

By design, fast calls are limited by the following requirements, which the embedder should enforce themselves:

Due to these limitations, it's not directly possible to report errors by throwing a JS exception or to otherwise do an allocation. There is an alternative way of creating fast calls that supports falling back to the slow call and then performing the necessary allocation. When one creates the fast method by using CFunction::MakeWithFallbackSupport instead of CFunction::Make, the fast callback gets as last parameter an output variable, through which it can request falling back to the slow call. So one might declare their method like:

void FastMethodWithFallback(int param, FastApiCallbackOptions& options);

If the callback wants to signal an error condition or to perform an allocation, it must set options.fallback to true and do an early return from the fast method. Then V8 checks the value of options.fallback and if it's true, falls back to executing the SlowCallback, which is capable of reporting the error (either by throwing a JS exception or logging to the console) or doing the allocation. It's the embedder's responsibility to ensure that the fast callback is idempotent up to the point where error and fallback conditions are checked, because otherwise executing the slow callback might produce visible side-effects twice.

An example for custom embedder type support might employ a way to wrap/ unwrap various C++ types in JSObject instances, e.g:

// Helper method with a check for field count.
template <typename T, int offset>
inline T* GetInternalField(v8::Local<v8::Object> wrapper) {
assert(offset < wrapper->InternalFieldCount());
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(
class CustomEmbedderType {
// Returns the raw C object from a wrapper JS object.
static CustomEmbedderType* Unwrap(v8::Local<v8::Object> wrapper) {
return GetInternalField<CustomEmbedderType,
static void FastMethod(v8::ApiObject receiver_obj, int param) {
v8::Object* v8_object = reinterpret_cast<v8::Object*>(&api_object);
CustomEmbedderType* receiver = static_cast<CustomEmbedderType*>(
// Type checks are already done by the optimized code.
// Then call some performance-critical method like:
// receiver->Method(param);
static void SlowMethod(
CustomEmbedderType* receiver = Unwrap(instance);
// TODO: Do type checks and extract {param}.
// TODO(mslekova): Clean-up these constants
// The constants kV8EmbedderWrapperTypeIndex and
// kV8EmbedderWrapperObjectIndex describe the offsets for the type info
// struct and the native object, when expressed as internal field indices
// within a JSObject. The existance of this helper function assumes that
// all embedder objects have their JSObject-side type info at the same
// offset, but this is not a limitation of the API itself. For a detailed
// use case, see the third example.
static constexpr int kV8EmbedderWrapperTypeIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kV8EmbedderWrapperObjectIndex = 1;
// The following setup function can be templatized based on
// the {embedder_object} argument.
void SetupCustomEmbedderObject(v8::Isolate* isolate,
CustomEmbedderType* embedder_object) {
v8::CFunction c_func =
Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> method_template =
isolate, CustomEmbedderType::SlowMethod, v8::Local<v8::Value>(),
kV8EmbedderWrapperObjectIndex + 1);
object_template->Set(isolate, "method", method_template);
// Instantiate the wrapper JS object.
// TODO: Expose {object} where it's necessary.

For instance if {object} is exposed via a global "obj" variable, one could write in JS: function hot_func() { obj.method(42); } and once {hot_func} gets optimized, CustomEmbedderType::FastMethod will be called instead of the slow version, with the following arguments: receiver := the {embedder_object} from above param := 42

Currently supported return types:

  • void
  • bool
  • int32_t
  • uint32_t
  • float32_t
  • float64_t Currently supported argument types:

pointer to an embedder type

  • bool
  • int32_t
  • uint32_t
  • int64_t
  • uint64_t
  • float32_t
  • float64_t

The 64-bit integer types currently have the IDL (unsigned) long long semantics: https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#abstract-opdef-converttoint In the future we'll extend the API to also provide conversions from/to BigInt to preserve full precision. The floating point types currently have the IDL (unrestricted) semantics, which is the only one used by WebGL. We plan to add support also for restricted floats/doubles, similarly to the BigInt conversion policies. We also differ from the specific NaN bit pattern that WebIDL prescribes (https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#es-unrestricted-float) in that Blink passes NaN values as-is, i.e. doesn't normalize them.

To be supported types:

  • arrays of C types
  • arrays of embedder types

Profiler support for the V8 JavaScript engine.

Support for Persistent containers.

C++11 embedders can use STL containers with Global values, but pre-C++11 does not support the required move semantic and hence may want these container classes.

Compile-time constants.

This header provides access to information about the value serializer at compile time, without declaring or defining any symbols that require linking to V8.

The v8 JavaScript engine.

Typedef Documentation

◆ AccessCheckCallback

using AccessCheckCallback = bool (*)(Local<Context> accessing_context, Local<Object> accessed_object, Local<Value> data)

Returns true if the given context should be allowed to access the given object.

Definition at line 6614 of file v8.h.

◆ AccessorGetterCallback

using AccessorGetterCallback = void (*)(Local<String> property, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info)

Accessor[Getter|Setter] are used as callback functions when setting|getting a particular property. See Object and ObjectTemplate's method SetAccessor.

Definition at line 3830 of file v8.h.

◆ AccessorNameGetterCallback

using AccessorNameGetterCallback = void (*)(Local<Name> property, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info)

Definition at line 3832 of file v8.h.

◆ AccessorNameSetterCallback

using AccessorNameSetterCallback = void (*)(Local<Name> property, Local<Value> value, const PropertyCallbackInfo<void>& info)

Definition at line 3839 of file v8.h.

◆ AccessorSetterCallback

using AccessorSetterCallback = void (*)(Local<String> property, Local<Value> value, const PropertyCallbackInfo<void>& info)

Definition at line 3836 of file v8.h.

◆ AddCrashKeyCallback

using AddCrashKeyCallback = void (*)(CrashKeyId id, const std::string& value)

Definition at line 7479 of file v8.h.

◆ AddHistogramSampleCallback

using AddHistogramSampleCallback = void (*)(void* histogram, int sample)

Definition at line 7468 of file v8.h.

◆ AllowCodeGenerationFromStringsCallback

using AllowCodeGenerationFromStringsCallback = bool (*)(Local<Context> context, Local<String> source)

Callback to check if code generation from strings is allowed. See Context::AllowCodeGenerationFromStrings.

Definition at line 7765 of file v8.h.

◆ AllowWasmCodeGenerationCallback

using AllowWasmCodeGenerationCallback = bool (*)(Local<Context> context, Local<String> source)

Definition at line 7792 of file v8.h.

◆ ApiImplementationCallback

Definition at line 7796 of file v8.h.

◆ BackingStoreDeleterCallback

using BackingStoreDeleterCallback = void (*)(void* data, size_t length, void* deleter_data)

Definition at line 5318 of file v8.h.

◆ BeforeCallEnteredCallback

using BeforeCallEnteredCallback = void (*)(Isolate*)

Definition at line 7482 of file v8.h.

◆ CallCompletedCallback

using CallCompletedCallback = void (*)(Isolate*)

Definition at line 7483 of file v8.h.

◆ CounterLookupCallback

using CounterLookupCallback = int* (*)(const char* name)

Definition at line 7463 of file v8.h.

◆ CreateHistogramCallback

using CreateHistogramCallback = void* (*)(const char* name, int min, int max, size_t buckets)

Definition at line 7466 of file v8.h.

◆ DcheckErrorCallback

using DcheckErrorCallback = void (*)(const char* file, int line, const char* message)

Definition at line 7423 of file v8.h.

◆ DeserializeEmbedderFieldsCallback

◆ EntropySource

using EntropySource = bool (*)(unsigned char* buffer, size_t length)

EntropySource is used as a callback function when v8 needs a source of entropy.

Definition at line 9875 of file v8.h.

◆ ExtensionCallback

using ExtensionCallback = bool (*)(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>&)

Definition at line 7789 of file v8.h.

◆ FailedAccessCheckCallback

using FailedAccessCheckCallback = void (*)(Local<Object> target, AccessType type, Local<Value> data)

Definition at line 7756 of file v8.h.

◆ FatalErrorCallback

using FatalErrorCallback = void (*)(const char* location, const char* message)

Definition at line 7418 of file v8.h.

◆ FunctionCallback

using FunctionCallback = void (*)(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& info)

Definition at line 4697 of file v8.h.

◆ GCCallback

using GCCallback = void (*)(GCType type, GCCallbackFlags flags)

Definition at line 7853 of file v8.h.

◆ GenericNamedPropertyDefinerCallback

using GenericNamedPropertyDefinerCallback = void (*)(Local<Name> property, const PropertyDescriptor& desc, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info)

Interceptor for defineProperty requests on an object.

Use info.GetReturnValue() to indicate whether the request was intercepted or not. If the definer successfully intercepts the request, i.e., if the request should not be further executed, call info.GetReturnValue().Set(value). If the definer did not intercept the request, i.e., if the request should be handled as if no interceptor is present, do not not call Set().

propertyThe name of the property for which the request was intercepted.
descThe property descriptor which is used to define the property if the request is not intercepted.
infoInformation about the intercepted request, such as isolate, receiver, return value, or whether running in ‘'use strict’mode. SeePropertyCallbackInfo`.

See also ObjectTemplate::SetHandler.

Definition at line 6525 of file v8.h.

◆ GenericNamedPropertyDeleterCallback

using GenericNamedPropertyDeleterCallback = void (*)(Local<Name> property, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Boolean>& info)

Interceptor for delete requests on an object.

Use info.GetReturnValue() to indicate whether the request was intercepted or not. If the deleter successfully intercepts the request, i.e., if the request should not be further executed, call info.GetReturnValue().Set(value) with a boolean value. The value is used as the return value of delete.

propertyThe name of the property for which the request was intercepted.
infoInformation about the intercepted request, such as isolate, receiver, return value, or whether running in ‘'use strict’mode. SeePropertyCallbackInfo`.
If you need to mimic the behavior of delete, i.e., throw in strict mode instead of returning false, use info.ShouldThrowOnError() to determine if you are in strict mode.

See also ObjectTemplate::SetHandler.

Definition at line 6492 of file v8.h.

◆ GenericNamedPropertyDescriptorCallback

using GenericNamedPropertyDescriptorCallback = void (*)(Local<Name> property, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info)

Interceptor for getOwnPropertyDescriptor requests on an object.

Use info.GetReturnValue().Set() to set the return value of the intercepted request. The return value must be an object that can be converted to a PropertyDescriptor, e.g., a v8::value returned from v8::Object::getOwnPropertyDescriptor.

propertyThe name of the property for which the request was intercepted. \info Information about the intercepted request, such as isolate, receiver, return value, or whether running in ‘'use strict’mode. SeePropertyCallbackInfo`.
If GetOwnPropertyDescriptor is intercepted, it will always return true, i.e., indicate that the property was found.

See also ObjectTemplate::SetHandler.

Definition at line 6547 of file v8.h.

◆ GenericNamedPropertyEnumeratorCallback

Returns an array containing the names of the properties the named property getter intercepts.

Note: The values in the array must be of type v8::Name.

Definition at line 6501 of file v8.h.

◆ GenericNamedPropertyGetterCallback

using GenericNamedPropertyGetterCallback = void (*)(Local<Name> property, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info)

Interceptor for get requests on an object.

Use info.GetReturnValue().Set() to set the return value of the intercepted get request.

propertyThe name of the property for which the request was intercepted.
infoInformation about the intercepted request, such as isolate, receiver, return value, or whether running in 'use strict' mode. See PropertyCallbackInfo.
void GetterCallback(
Local<Name> name,
LocalContext env;
->Set(env.local(), v8_str("obj"), templ->GetFunction(env.local())
v8::Local<v8::Value> result = CompileRun("obj.a = 17; obj.a");
CHECK(v8_num(42)->Equals(env.local(), result).FromJust());

See also ObjectTemplate::SetHandler.

Definition at line 6419 of file v8.h.

◆ GenericNamedPropertyQueryCallback

using GenericNamedPropertyQueryCallback = void (*)(Local<Name> property, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Integer>& info)

Intercepts all requests that query the attributes of the property, e.g., getOwnPropertyDescriptor(), propertyIsEnumerable(), and defineProperty().

Use info.GetReturnValue().Set(value) to set the property attributes. The value is an integer encoding a v8::PropertyAttribute.

propertyThe name of the property for which the request was intercepted.
infoInformation about the intercepted request, such as isolate, receiver, return value, or whether running in ‘'use strict’mode. SeePropertyCallbackInfo`.
Some functions query the property attributes internally, even though they do not return the attributes. For example, hasOwnProperty() can trigger this interceptor depending on the state of the object.

See also ObjectTemplate::SetHandler.

Definition at line 6468 of file v8.h.

◆ GenericNamedPropertySetterCallback

using GenericNamedPropertySetterCallback = void (*)(Local<Name> property, Local<Value> value, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info)

Interceptor for set requests on an object.

Use info.GetReturnValue() to indicate whether the request was intercepted or not. If the setter successfully intercepts the request, i.e., if the request should not be further executed, call info.GetReturnValue().Set(value). If the setter did not intercept the request, i.e., if the request should be handled as if no interceptor is present, do not not call Set().

propertyThe name of the property for which the request was intercepted.
valueThe value which the property will have if the request is not intercepted.
infoInformation about the intercepted request, such as isolate, receiver, return value, or whether running in ‘'use strict’mode. SeePropertyCallbackInfo`.

See also ObjectTemplate::SetHandler.

Definition at line 6444 of file v8.h.

◆ Handle

using Handle = Local<T>

Definition at line 356 of file v8.h.

◆ HostImportModuleDynamicallyWithImportAssertionsCallback

HostImportModuleDynamicallyWithImportAssertionsCallback is called when we require the embedder to load a module. This is used as part of the dynamic import syntax.

The referrer contains metadata about the script/module that calls import.

The specifier is the name of the module that should be imported.

The import_assertions are import assertions for this request in the form: [key1, value1, key2, value2, ...] where the keys and values are of type v8::String. Note, unlike the FixedArray passed to ResolveModuleCallback and returned from ModuleRequest::GetImportAssertions(), this array does not contain the source Locations of the assertions.

The embedder must compile, instantiate, evaluate the Module, and obtain its namespace object.

The Promise returned from this function is forwarded to userland JavaScript. The embedder must resolve this promise with the module namespace object. In case of an exception, the embedder must reject this promise with the exception. If the promise creation itself fails (e.g. due to stack overflow), the embedder must propagate that exception by returning an empty MaybeLocal.

Definition at line 7541 of file v8.h.

◆ HostInitializeImportMetaObjectCallback

using HostInitializeImportMetaObjectCallback = void (*)(Local<Context> context, Local<Module> module, Local<Object> meta)

HostInitializeImportMetaObjectCallback is called the first time import.meta is accessed for a module. Subsequent access will reuse the same value.

The method combines two implementation-defined abstract operations into one: HostGetImportMetaProperties and HostFinalizeImportMeta.

The embedder should use v8::Object::CreateDataProperty to add properties on the meta object.

Definition at line 7555 of file v8.h.

◆ IndexedPropertyDefinerCallback

using IndexedPropertyDefinerCallback = void (*)(uint32_t index, const PropertyDescriptor& desc, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info)

See v8::GenericNamedPropertyDefinerCallback.

Definition at line 6588 of file v8.h.

◆ IndexedPropertyDeleterCallback

using IndexedPropertyDeleterCallback = void (*)(uint32_t index, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Boolean>& info)

See v8::GenericNamedPropertyDeleterCallback.

Definition at line 6572 of file v8.h.

◆ IndexedPropertyDescriptorCallback

using IndexedPropertyDescriptorCallback = void (*)(uint32_t index, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info)

See v8::GenericNamedPropertyDescriptorCallback.

Definition at line 6594 of file v8.h.

◆ IndexedPropertyEnumeratorCallback

Returns an array containing the indices of the properties the indexed property getter intercepts.

Note: The values in the array must be uint32_t.

Definition at line 6581 of file v8.h.

◆ IndexedPropertyGetterCallback

using IndexedPropertyGetterCallback = void (*)(uint32_t index, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info)

See v8::GenericNamedPropertyGetterCallback.

Definition at line 6553 of file v8.h.

◆ IndexedPropertyQueryCallback

using IndexedPropertyQueryCallback = void (*)(uint32_t index, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Integer>& info)

See v8::GenericNamedPropertyQueryCallback.

Definition at line 6566 of file v8.h.

◆ IndexedPropertySetterCallback

using IndexedPropertySetterCallback = void (*)(uint32_t index, Local<Value> value, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info)

See v8::GenericNamedPropertySetterCallback.

Definition at line 6560 of file v8.h.

◆ instead

using instead = MaybeLocal<Promise> (*)(Local<Context> context, Local<ScriptOrModule> referrer, Local<String> specifier)

Definition at line 7509 of file v8.h.

◆ InterruptCallback

using InterruptCallback = void (*)(Isolate* isolate, void* data)

Definition at line 7855 of file v8.h.

◆ JitCodeEventHandler

using JitCodeEventHandler = void (*)(const JitCodeEvent* event)

Callback function passed to SetJitCodeEventHandler.

eventcode add, move or removal event.

Definition at line 8119 of file v8.h.

◆ LogEventCallback

using LogEventCallback = void (*)(const char* name, int event)

Definition at line 7429 of file v8.h.

◆ MessageCallback

using MessageCallback = void (*)(Local<Message> message, Local<Value> data)

Definition at line 7425 of file v8.h.

◆ MicrotaskCallback

using MicrotaskCallback = void (*)(void* data)

Definition at line 7617 of file v8.h.

◆ MicrotasksCompletedCallbackWithData

using MicrotasksCompletedCallbackWithData = void (*)(Isolate*, void*)

Definition at line 7616 of file v8.h.

◆ ModifyCodeGenerationFromStringsCallback

Callback to check if codegen is allowed from a source object, and convert the source to string if necessary. See: ModifyCodeGenerationFromStrings.

Definition at line 7782 of file v8.h.

◆ ModifyCodeGenerationFromStringsCallback2

Definition at line 7786 of file v8.h.

◆ NativeObject

using NativeObject = void*

Definition at line 24 of file v8-profiler.h.

◆ NearHeapLimitCallback

using NearHeapLimitCallback = size_t (*)(void* data, size_t current_heap_limit, size_t initial_heap_limit)

This callback is invoked when the heap size is close to the heap limit and V8 is likely to abort with out-of-memory error. The callback can extend the heap limit by returning a value that is greater than the current_heap_limit. The initial heap limit is the limit that was set after heap setup.

Definition at line 7865 of file v8.h.

◆ OOMErrorCallback

using OOMErrorCallback = void (*)(const char* location, bool is_heap_oom)

Definition at line 7420 of file v8.h.

◆ PersistentContainerValue

typedef uintptr_t PersistentContainerValue

Definition at line 22 of file v8-util.h.

◆ PrepareStackTraceCallback

using PrepareStackTraceCallback = MaybeLocal<Value> (*)(Local<Context> context, Local<Value> error, Local<Array> sites)

PrepareStackTraceCallback is called when the stack property of an error is first accessed. The return value will be used as the stack value. If this callback is registed, the |Error.prepareStackTrace| API will be disabled. |sites| is an array of call sites, specified in https://v8.dev/docs/stack-trace-api

Definition at line 7566 of file v8.h.

◆ PromiseHook

using PromiseHook = void (*)(PromiseHookType type, Local<Promise> promise, Local<Value> parent)

Definition at line 7587 of file v8.h.

◆ PromiseRejectCallback

using PromiseRejectCallback = void (*)(PromiseRejectMessage message)

Definition at line 7613 of file v8.h.

◆ ReturnAddressLocationResolver

using ReturnAddressLocationResolver = uintptr_t (*)(uintptr_t return_addr_location)

ReturnAddressLocationResolver is used as a callback function when v8 is resolving the location of a return address on the stack. Profilers that change the return address on the stack can use this to resolve the stack location to wherever the profiler stashed the original return address.

return_addr_locationA location on stack where a machine return address resides.
Either return_addr_location, or else a pointer to the profiler's copy of the original return address.
The resolver function must not cause garbage collection.

Definition at line 9891 of file v8.h.

◆ SerializeEmbedderFieldsCallback

◆ SnapshotObjectId

using SnapshotObjectId = uint32_t

Definition at line 25 of file v8-profiler.h.

◆ UniquePersistent

Definition at line 825 of file v8.h.

◆ WasmExceptionsEnabledCallback

using WasmExceptionsEnabledCallback = bool (*)(Local<Context> context)

Definition at line 7809 of file v8.h.

◆ WasmLoadSourceMapCallback

using WasmLoadSourceMapCallback = Local<String> (*)(Isolate* isolate, const char* name)

Definition at line 7803 of file v8.h.

◆ WasmSimdEnabledCallback

using WasmSimdEnabledCallback = bool (*)(Local<Context> context)

Definition at line 7806 of file v8.h.

◆ WasmStreamingCallback

Definition at line 7799 of file v8.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ AccessControl

Access control specifications.

Some accessors should be accessible across contexts. These accessors have an explicit access control parameter which specifies the kind of cross-context access that should be allowed.

TODO(dcarney): Remove PROHIBITS_OVERWRITING as it is now unused.


Definition at line 3850 of file v8.h.

◆ AccessType

enum AccessType

Access type specification.


Definition at line 6599 of file v8.h.

◆ ArrayBufferCreationMode


Definition at line 5235 of file v8.h.

◆ CodeEventType

Note that this enum may be extended in the future. Please include a default case if this enum is used in a switch statement.


Definition at line 1040 of file v8-profiler.h.

◆ ConstructorBehavior

enum ConstructorBehavior

Definition at line 4699 of file v8.h.

◆ CpuProfilingLoggingMode


Definition at line 243 of file v8-profiler.h.

◆ CpuProfilingMode


Definition at line 224 of file v8-profiler.h.

◆ CpuProfilingNamingMode


Definition at line 235 of file v8-profiler.h.

◆ CpuProfilingStatus

enum CpuProfilingStatus

Definition at line 255 of file v8-profiler.h.

◆ CrashKeyId

enum CrashKeyId

Definition at line 7471 of file v8.h.

◆ GCCallbackFlags

GCCallbackFlags is used to notify additional information about the GC callback.

  • kGCCallbackFlagConstructRetainedObjectInfos: The GC callback is for constructing retained object infos.
  • kGCCallbackFlagForced: The GC callback is for a forced GC for testing.
  • kGCCallbackFlagSynchronousPhantomCallbackProcessing: The GC callback is called synchronously without getting posted to an idle task.
  • kGCCallbackFlagCollectAllAvailableGarbage: The GC callback is called in a phase where V8 is trying to collect all available garbage (e.g., handling a low memory notification).
  • kGCCallbackScheduleIdleGarbageCollection: The GC callback is called to trigger an idle garbage collection.

Definition at line 7843 of file v8.h.

◆ GCType

enum GCType

Applications can register callback functions which will be called before and after certain garbage collection operations. Allocations are not allowed in the callback functions, you therefore cannot manipulate objects (set or delete properties for example) since it is possible such operations will result in the allocation of objects.


Definition at line 7820 of file v8.h.

◆ IndexFilter

enum IndexFilter

kIncludesIndices allows for integer indices to be collected, while kSkipIndices will exclude integer indices from being collected.


Definition at line 3898 of file v8.h.

◆ IntegrityLevel

enum IntegrityLevel

Integrity level for objects.


Definition at line 3909 of file v8.h.

◆ Intrinsic

enum Intrinsic

Definition at line 6278 of file v8.h.

◆ JitCodeEventOptions

Option flags passed to the SetJitCodeEventHandler function.


Definition at line 8107 of file v8.h.

◆ KeyCollectionMode

enum KeyCollectionMode

Keys/Properties filter enums:

KeyCollectionMode limits the range of collected properties. kOwnOnly limits the collected properties to the given Object only. kIncludesPrototypes will include all keys of the objects's prototype chain as well.


Definition at line 3892 of file v8.h.

◆ KeyConversionMode

enum KeyConversionMode

kConvertToString will convert integer indices to strings. kKeepNumbers will return numbers for integer indices.


Definition at line 3904 of file v8.h.

◆ MeasureMemoryExecution

Controls how promptly a memory measurement request is executed. By default the measurement is folded with the next scheduled GC which may happen after a while and is forced after some timeout. The kEager mode starts incremental GC right away and is useful for testing. The kLazy mode does not force GC.


Definition at line 8395 of file v8.h.

◆ MeasureMemoryMode

enum MeasureMemoryMode

Controls how the default MeasureMemoryDelegate reports the result of the memory measurement to JS. With kSummary only the total size is reported. With kDetailed the result includes the size of each native context.


Definition at line 8386 of file v8.h.

◆ MemoryPressureLevel

enum MemoryPressureLevel

Memory pressure level for the MemoryPressureNotification. kNone hints V8 that there is no memory pressure. kModerate hints V8 to speed up incremental garbage collection at the cost of of higher latency due to garbage collection pauses. kCritical hints V8 to free memory as soon as possible. Garbage collection pauses at this level will be large.


Definition at line 8157 of file v8.h.

◆ MicrotasksPolicy

enum MicrotasksPolicy

Policy for running microtasks:


Definition at line 7627 of file v8.h.

◆ NewStringType

enum NewStringType

A flag describing different modes of string creation.

Aside from performance implications there are no differences between the two creation modes.


Create a new string, always allocating new storage memory.


Acts as a hint that the string should be created in the old generation heap space and be deduplicated if an identical string already exists.

Definition at line 3146 of file v8.h.

◆ PersistentContainerCallbackType


Definition at line 24 of file v8-util.h.

◆ PromiseHookType

enum PromiseHookType

PromiseHook with type kInit is called when a new promise is created. When a new promise is created as part of the chain in the case of Promise.then or in the intermediate promises created by Promise.{race, all}/AsyncFunctionAwait, we pass the parent promise otherwise we pass undefined.

PromiseHook with type kResolve is called at the beginning of resolve or reject function defined by CreateResolvingFunctions.

PromiseHook with type kBefore is called at the beginning of the PromiseReactionJob.

PromiseHook with type kAfter is called right at the end of the PromiseReactionJob.


Definition at line 7584 of file v8.h.

◆ PromiseRejectEvent


Definition at line 7590 of file v8.h.

◆ PropertyAttribute





ReadOnly, i.e., not writable.


DontEnum, i.e., not enumerable.


DontDelete, i.e., not configurable.

Definition at line 3813 of file v8.h.

◆ PropertyFilter

Property filter bits. They can be or'ed to build a composite filter.


Definition at line 3860 of file v8.h.

◆ PropertyHandlerFlags

enum PropertyHandlerFlags

Configuration flags for v8::NamedPropertyHandlerConfiguration or v8::IndexedPropertyHandlerConfiguration.




See ALL_CAN_READ above.


Will not call into interceptor for properties on the receiver or prototype chain, i.e., only call into interceptor for properties that do not exist. Currently only valid for named interceptors.


Will not call into interceptor for symbol lookup. Only meaningful for named interceptors.


The getter, query, enumerator callbacks do not produce side effects.

Definition at line 6840 of file v8.h.

◆ RAILMode

enum RAILMode : unsigned

Option flags passed to the SetRAILMode function. See documentation https://developers.google.com/web/tools/chrome-devtools/ profile/evaluate-performance/rail


Definition at line 8087 of file v8.h.

◆ ScriptType

enum ScriptType

Definition at line 1795 of file v8.h.

◆ SideEffectType

enum SideEffectType

Options for marking whether callbacks may trigger JS-observable side effects. Side-effect-free callbacks are allowlisted during debug evaluation with throwOnSideEffect. It applies when calling a Function, FunctionTemplate, or an Accessor callback. For Interceptors, please see PropertyHandlerFlags's kHasNoSideEffect. Callbacks that only cause side effects to the receiver are allowlisted if invoked on receiver objects that are created within the same debug-evaluate call, as these objects are temporary and the side effect does not escape.


Definition at line 3879 of file v8.h.

◆ StateTag

enum StateTag

Definition at line 2374 of file v8.h.

◆ TaskPriority

enum TaskPriority : uint8_t

Best effort tasks are not critical for performance of the application. The platform implementation should preempt such tasks if higher priority tasks arrive.


User visible tasks are long running background tasks that will improve performance and memory usage of the application upon completion. Example: background compilation and garbage collection.


User blocking tasks are highest priority tasks that block the execution thread (e.g. major garbage collection). They must be finished as soon as possible.

Definition at line 21 of file v8-platform.h.

◆ WeakCallbackType

enum WeakCallbackType

Definition at line 474 of file v8.h.

Function Documentation

◆ CurrentValueSerializerFormatVersion()

constexpr uint32_t v8::CurrentValueSerializerFormatVersion ( )

Definition at line 20 of file v8-value-serializer-version.h.

◆ False()

Local< Boolean > False ( Isolate isolate)

◆ Just()

Maybe<T> v8::Just ( const T &  t)

Definition at line 10343 of file v8.h.

References V8::Maybe.

◆ JustVoid()

Maybe<void> v8::JustVoid ( )

Definition at line 10375 of file v8.h.

References V8::Maybe.

◆ Nothing()

Maybe<T> v8::Nothing ( )

Definition at line 10338 of file v8.h.

References V8::Maybe.

◆ Null()

Local< Primitive > Null ( Isolate isolate)

◆ operator!=() [1/3]

V8_INLINE bool v8::operator!= ( const TracedReferenceBase lhs,
const TracedReferenceBase rhs 

Definition at line 11279 of file v8.h.

References operator==().

◆ operator!=() [2/3]

V8_INLINE bool v8::operator!= ( const TracedReferenceBase lhs,
const v8::Local< U > &  rhs 

Definition at line 11285 of file v8.h.

◆ operator!=() [3/3]

V8_INLINE bool v8::operator!= ( const v8::Local< U > &  lhs,
const TracedReferenceBase rhs 

Definition at line 11291 of file v8.h.

◆ operator==() [1/3]

V8_INLINE bool v8::operator== ( const TracedReferenceBase lhs,
const TracedReferenceBase rhs 

Definition at line 11254 of file v8.h.

References TracedReferenceBase::val_.

Referenced by operator!=().

◆ operator==() [2/3]

V8_INLINE bool v8::operator== ( const TracedReferenceBase lhs,
const v8::Local< U > &  rhs 

Definition at line 11264 of file v8.h.

References TracedReferenceBase::val_.

◆ operator==() [3/3]

V8_INLINE bool v8::operator== ( const v8::Local< U > &  lhs,
const TracedReferenceBase rhs 

Definition at line 11274 of file v8.h.

◆ RegisterExtension()

void V8_EXPORT v8::RegisterExtension ( std::unique_ptr< Extension )

◆ True()

Local< Boolean > True ( Isolate isolate)

◆ TryHandleWebAssemblyTrapPosix()

V8_EXPORT bool v8::TryHandleWebAssemblyTrapPosix ( int  sig_code,
siginfo_t *  info,
void *  context 

This function determines whether a memory access violation has been an out-of-bounds memory access in WebAssembly. If so, it will modify the context parameter and add a return address where the execution can continue after the signal handling, and return true. Otherwise, false will be returned.

The parameters to this function correspond to those passed to a Posix signal handler. Use this function only on Linux and Mac.

sig_codeThe signal code, e.g. SIGSEGV.
infoA pointer to the siginfo_t struct provided to the signal handler.
contextA pointer to a ucontext_t struct provided to the signal handler.

◆ TryHandleWebAssemblyTrapWindows()

V8_EXPORT bool v8::TryHandleWebAssemblyTrapWindows ( EXCEPTION_POINTERS *  exception)

This function determines whether a memory access violation has been an out-of-bounds memory access in WebAssembly. If so, it will modify the exception parameter and add a return address where the execution can continue after the exception handling, and return true. Otherwise the return value will be false.

The parameter to this function corresponds to the one passed to a Windows vectored exception handler. Use this function only on Windows.

exceptionAn EXCEPTION_POINTERS* as provided to the exception handler.

◆ Undefined()

Local< Primitive > Undefined ( Isolate isolate)
@ kHasSideEffect
Definition: v8.h:6869
static CFunction Make(F *func)
Definition: v8-fast-api-calls.h:374
Definition: v8-fast-api-calls.h:243
static V8_INLINE Local< T > Cast(Local< S > that)
Definition: v8.h:280
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< Function > GetFunction(Local< Context > context)
Definition: v8.h:3914
void Set(Local< Name > name, Local< Data > value, PropertyAttribute attributes=None)
Definition: v8.h:126
Definition: v8.h:125
V8_INLINE Local< Object > Holder() const
Definition: v8.h:11567
static Local< ObjectTemplate > New(Isolate *isolate, Local< FunctionTemplate > constructor=Local< FunctionTemplate >())
Definition: v8.h:8450
V8_INLINE ReturnValue< T > GetReturnValue() const
Definition: v8.h:12317
Definition: v8.h:110
static Local< FunctionTemplate > New(Isolate *isolate, FunctionCallback callback=nullptr, Local< Value > data=Local< Value >(), Local< Signature > signature=Local< Signature >(), int length=0, ConstructorBehavior behavior=ConstructorBehavior::kAllow, SideEffectType side_effect_type=SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect, const CFunction *c_function=nullptr)
Local< ObjectTemplate > InstanceTemplate()
V8_INLINE void * GetAlignedPointerFromInternalField(int index)
Definition: v8.h:11775
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal< Object > NewInstance(Local< Context > context)
void SetInternalFieldCount(int value)
Definition: v8-fast-api-calls.h:358
@ kAllow